Money Management

Budget planner calculator

Work out where your money is going

Savings goals calculator

How long it will take to reach your savings goals

Compound interest calculator

How compounding increases your savings

Income tax calculator

Find out how much income tax you should be paying

Your net worth

The strength of your current financial situation

Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.

Borrowing and credit

Your Mortgage calculator

What will my repayments be? How much can I borrow?

Switch Mortgage calculator

Will I save money by switching to another mortgage

Mortgage health check

Find out how well you are coping with your mortgage.

Personal loan calculator

What will my repayments be? How much can I borrow?

Credit card calculator

How long it will take to pay off your card with only minimum repayments?

Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.


Employer contribution calculator

How much super you should be getting from your employer

Super co-contribution calculator

Eligible for a co-contribution from the Government?

Super contribution optimiser

Super contributions to give your super the biggest boost

Super vs mortgage tool

Where should you put more extra money, super or mortgage?

How much super calculator

Work out how much super you’ll have when you get to retirement.

Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.


Retirement planner calculator

What income you are likely to have when you retire

Super and pension calculator

When can you get your super and apply for the pension

Account-based pension

How long can you expect your pension to last?

Reverse mortgage calculator

How much your debt will increase over time

Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.


Managed funds fee calculator

The impact of fees and costs between different funds

Margin loan calculator

The amount you borrow could affect your potential gains and losses

Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.